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高速隔离墩模具制作过程 高速隔离墩模具案例

高速隔离墩模具制作过程 高速隔离墩模具案例
品      牌: 乐丰
单      价: 110.00元/套面议
最小起订: 1 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3起 天内发货
所  在 地: 河北省 保定
供货总量: 2100 套
有效期至: 长期有效


发布供求信息 推广企业产品
建立企业商铺 在线洽谈生意
The design of high-speed isolation pier mold is to meet the needs of the guests under the premise of low processing costs, small processing difficulties, and short processing time. To do this, not only needs to fully understand the customer's needs, in the injection molding machine, cement isolation pier die structure, processing technology and die factory capabilities. Therefore, in order to improve the design level of high speed isolation pier, we should do the following, first understand the details of each cement isolation pier die design, understand each part of the mold; Second, a similar design, in the design of other cement pier mold processing and production of the product reference and understanding, absorbing experience and lessons learned; The production of high-speed isolation pier molds not only requires technology, but also needs to be maintained. After waking, the molds must be cleaned to ensure that there is no concrete surface and stain. Next time, cement made of stone with a hardened surface that is not smooth on the surface of the remaining cement isolation pier molds will be used. Effect use.
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