The N-Series Digital Switch is one of a kind to Ashcroft. Unlike other series, this switch has a point-of-reference digital display to show the pressure. It uses the Ashcroft K-Series pressure transducer to help minimize moving parts which prolongs the switches life. Pressures are available from 60 all the way to 20,000 psi. The setpoint repeatability of 0.5% is a great feature as well as a adjustable deadbands between 0.1% and 95% of the nominal range.
N 系列电子式压力开关(标准或防爆)
* 选用压力传感器的薄膜应变膜片作为测量元件
* 密封带环氧树脂涂层铝合金外壳,防护等级 NEMA4 ,防爆等级 NEMA7&9
* 压力范围: 60 ~ 20000psi ( 4 ~ 1400bar )
* 继电器输出 SPDT ,设定点和静区可调(静区可在量程的 0.1% 至 95% 内调整)
* 接液材质不锈钢
* 大屏幕显示过程压力,设定点,复位点等参数,易于观察
联系人:叶先生 (销售经理)
电话:025-52791167 52791168
地址:南京市江宁开发区双龙大道1222号同曦国际广场1号楼8/F 邮编:211100