等强锚杆 等强锚杆
锚杆是测定锚固力的一种工具, 具有体积小、重量轻、携带方便、操作简单、安全等特点,广泛应用于煤炭、国防、隧道及交通运输等多种坑道作业;
右旋锚杆:全称等强螺纹钢式树脂锚杆,(fully ribbed bars ) 由右(或左)旋精轧螺纹钢制成,螺纹连续,全长可上螺母。与锚盘螺母配合使用于巷道支护。右旋锚杆是1996年研制生产的新型锚杆,其性能达到国际先进水平。该锚杆是反麻花锚杆的换代产品,性能优越。
The company production of mine products mainly sales territory for: thin coal seam in sichuan province and guizhou province, the thick coal seam in sichuan, anhui province, gansu province for thick coal seam, xinjiang uygur autonomous region, ningxia hui autonomous region.
Slow inclined coal seam for shanxi, shaanxi, For inclined coal seam in shanxi, Inner Mongolia, northeast of region; For steep seams of qinghai province, Beijing.