品 牌: | 旭球 |
单 价: | 1.00元/个面议 |
最小起订: | 1 个 |
发货期限: | 自买家付款之日起 起 天内发货 |
所 在 地: | 浙江省 乐清 |
供货总量: | |
有效期至: | 长期有效 |
联系我时,请提及在百方网看到,会有优惠。 | |
QQ :361385563
.爆炸性气体环境1区 2区
.爆炸性气体混合物IIA IIB IIC类
.爆炸性粉尘环境21区 22区
。Can be used in Zone 1 and Zond 2 dangerous places.
。Can be used in IIA,IIB IICgroup explosive atmosphere.
。Can be used in 21&22 group explosive atmosphere.
。Temperatur classes:T1-T4
.防水 防尘 防腐 防静电 防燥
.进线口方向 规格 端子数由用户自由送配
.The shell is refined welded and molded with stainless steel plates and its appearance is very beautiful
and practical
.Waterproof dustproof anticorrosive counter static and anti-dryness
.The inlet s directions specification and number of terminals are freely delivered and matched by the user
.lt can be wired either with steel tubes or cables
■型号含义 ■Model Meaning