品 牌: | sanhua |
单 价: | 2.50元/条面议 |
最小起订: | 500 条 |
发货期限: | 自买家付款之日起 起 天内发货 |
所 在 地: | 广东省 东莞 |
供货总量: | |
有效期至: | 长期有效 |
联系我时,请提及在百方网看到,会有优惠。 | |
Supply End: GB 2099 China Plug Equipment End: IEC 60320 C13 Standard: GB1002 Approval: CCC Rating: 10A 250V |
Detailed Product Description:
These 3 pins cordsets are rated up from 6amps to 16amp with service at 250 VAC with Chinese CCC approval .
Fitted with cables as belows:
PSB-6: 245IEC51(RX), 53(YZ),57(YZW),66(YCW),227IEC52(RVV), 53(RVV) 0.5-1.0/3
PSB-10:245IEC51(RX), 53(YZ),57(YZW),66(YCW),227IEC52(RVV), 53(RVV) 0.75-1.5/3
PSB-16:245IEC51(RX), 53(YZ),57(YZW),66(YCW),227IEC52(RVV), 53(RVV) 0.75-2.5/3