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2017第二届下一代物联网国际大会邀请函( 关注不同LPWAN技术在表计计量和智慧能源中的应用)

 The 2nd NexGen IOT World 2017 ( Metering& Smart Energy Focus) will be held at Crowne Plaza Shanghai on June 27th,2017.

2017 第二届关注表计计量和智慧能源的下一代物联网国际大会将于2017627日在上海长宁区皇冠假日酒店举办.

 本次大会将关注不同LPWAN技术以及在表计和智慧能源的应用,本次大会的演讲嘉宾代表有LoRa Alliance, Huawei NB-IOT, China Mobile, China Unicom, ChinaTelecom, Weightless-P, Sigfox, Wi-Sun Alliance, Zigbee Alliance 等知名行业代表的参与。

Conference Background 大会背景:
After the success of the first NexGen IOT World 2017(LPWAN) inShanghai, we have got the feedback from Gas Companies, Water Companies,Electricity companies, they all eager to know the latest LPWAN technology foruse in metering & utility industry, so  the 2nd  NexGen IOT World2017 (Energy & Smart Energy focus) will be in Shanghai on June 27th, a newstudy forecasts revenue in the Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) market togrow 89.3% between 2016 and 2021, in the applications segment, the smartmetering sector is expected to record the highest growth.
基于第一届下一代低功耗广域网大会的成功召开,第二届大会将会在6月27日上海市长宁区皇冠假日酒店举行,本次大会将会关注LPWAN 在表计和智慧能源方面的应用,新的研究报告显示LPWAN市场在2016年至2021年之间将会增长89.3%,在应用领域,智能表计预计将打破最高最快的纪录
Below news shows the rapid growth of the potential market inLPWAN metering & smart energy market:
下面的一些新闻显示了LPWAN 在表计和智慧能源市场的快速增长的潜在市场:
A, Zenner develops LPWAN-enabled smartmeters for the IoT
(German measuring instrument manufacturer Zenner incorporatesLPWAN protocol for IoT-enabled smart water meters, heat meters and heat costallocators)
B, Belgian utility uses Sigfox network insmart meter pilot
(In Belgium, water utility Water-link has announced its plans todeploy a smart water meters pilot in the city of Antwerp in partnership withSigfox)
比利时公共事业部采用了基于Sigfox 网络的智能表计试点项目
(在比利时,水务公司Water-link 宣布在安特卫普市部署基于Sigfox标准的智能水表的试点项目
C, SK Telecom plans on developing multiple services in the areas ofmetering, tracking and monitoring. (In terms of metering, thetelecommunications company is focusing on Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI),enabling utilities to accurately manage and monitor usage, as well as controldevices)
韩国SK 电信集团计划开发在表计, 追踪,检测多个基于LPWAN的服务领域, (在计量方面,电信公司正在关注先进的计量基础设施,是公共事业部准确的管理和监控以及控制设备 )
D, Electric power research institute ofGuangxi power grid co., LTD developed one Wireless transmission of powertransmission and transformation equipment condition monitoring datacommunication system based on LoRa technology
However, the APAC region is forecasted to be the fastest-growingregion in the LPWAN market during the forecast period,  thisconference will focus on different LPWAN technology and its advantage , realapplication case study, customers’ point of view, standardization explorationof the nexgen metering development.

8 Highlights that you cannot miss it: 不容错过的8大亮点
1) One day conference covers 19+ industry senior experts 一天的大会聚集了行业顶级的19多位专家.
2)advantage, technical standards, deployment situation, case study on differentLPWAN technology 不同的低功耗广域网的优势,技术标准,部署情况,案例分享.
3)Qualified speakers from gas companies, water companies, heating companies,state grid provincial electricity companies and heating companies, 来自燃气公司,热力公司,水务集团,热力公司,国网各省市电力公司的领导的演讲.
4) 10+ standard booths will let you know the  technologies andsolutions in metering & smart energy industry 十几家展位让你获得更多科技和先进的表计,能源领域的解决方案.
5) Qualified attendees from China Water Group, Gas Group, Heating group, Stategrid provincial electricity companies, 有质量的参与嘉宾将会来自于水务集团,燃气公司,热力公司,国网各个省市电力公司.
6)Case studies on different LPWAN technology in real application 不同的LPWAN 技术的实际应用的案例分享
7)Comparation on different technologies in  metering & energy control各种不同技术实际运用中的对比.
8) Next generation smart metering standardization exploration 下一代智慧表计标准制定的探索和交流.

谁应该参加Who need attend ?

电信运营商Telecom Operators

热力公司/ Heating Utilities

电表厂商/Electricity Meter Companies

国网各省市电力公司/State Grid Provincial Electricity Companies

行业联盟/Industry Alliance

支持LoRa技术的在能源和公共事业的厂商 LoRaWan Supporters in energy & utility

表计模组制造/LPWAN Module provider

支持Sigfox技术的在能源和公共事业的厂商 Sigfox Supporters in energy & utility

水表厂商/Water Meter Companies

支持Weightless-P技术的在能源和公共事业的厂商Weightless-P Supporters in energy & utility

燃气表厂商/Gas Meter Companies

支持3GPP技术的在能源和公共事业的厂商 3GPP Supporters in energy & utility

水务公司/Water Utilities

支持Wi-Sun Alliance技术的在能源和公共事业的厂商 Wi-Sun Alliance Supporters in energy & utility

燃气公司/ Gas Utilities

来自公共事业部的高级专家/Senior consultant in Energy & Utility

参会人职位分布Job title


总裁/副总裁President/Vice president


技术总监Technical Director

高级项目经理Senior Project Manager

总工程师/高级工程师Chief Engineer/ Senior Engineer

产品总监/高级经理Product Director/Senior Manager

市场总监/高级经理Marketing Director/Senior Manager

采购总监/高级经理Procurement Director/Manager

创新管理部负责人Innovation Director

投资合伙人/总监Investment Partner/Director









Jackie Xie
Global Decision Maker Management Consulting LTD
Cell:   +86 17756332677
Tell:    +86 21 8032 2683转805
Fax: +86 563 6035299
Room 1803,2 Unit,01Building,Caifu Masion,
Tianshanguan Road,Guangde County, Anhui Provience,China.


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姓名:Jackie Xie

上海2024-11-25 至 2024-11-27